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Sherfield Oaks GC Members Website


Recent Changes to the Local Rules, most recent first. The following summary points are just to alert members to changes that have been made – please refer to the full Local Rule for the applicable rule details:

a)   With effect from Monday, 16th September, GUR relief will be withdraw for the following new bunkers and their surrounds, on the Waterloo: lefthand greenside bunker on 3rd hole, fairway bunker and lefthand greenside bunker on 4th hole.  GUR relief will remain for the righthand greenside bunker on 4th hole. (see Local Rule C2).  

b)   New/re-modelled bunker on Waterloo 2nd hole is in play and no longer GUR (see Local Rule C2)

c)   Relief from the ball coming to rest in cracks in fairway, due to dry conditions. See Local Rule C5

d)   Local Rule C2 has been much revised, as many GUR areas and bunkers are no longer GUR.

e)   New Local Rule C8 has been added to provide relief from seams in newly turfed areas.

f)   Local Rules B1 and B2 “Winter Rules” were withdrawn, effective from 1st May, 2024

g)   Local Rules C4, (heavy vehicle tracks), has been reinstated, to take account of new bunker and course remodelling work.

Always check this web page for the latest Local Rules, as these can change at short notice, particularly with regard to the new bunker programme. There are QR code notices at Golf Reception, which will take you directly to the Local Rules webpage.

In addition, players in a competition should refer to the “Competitions Manual”, which may include additions or variations to these Local Rules which apply for SOGC competitions: Competitions Manual

Additions and variations may also be included, from time to time, in the Rules for each competition, on Intelligent Golf: SOGC Intelligent Golf

The following is the full text of the current SOGC Local Rules.


The Local Rules which apply at SOGC, include:

Part A: Permanent Local Rules
Part B: Temporary (Winter) Local Rules, which apply only when indicated.
Part C: Additional Temporary Local Rules.



Out of Bounds is defined by the line between the course-side points, at ground level, of white stakes and course boundary fence posts.

A ball coming to rest anywhere inside the main clubhouse building is Out of Bounds.

Exception: There are sections of broken-down barbed wire and post fences to the left of 15th hole, Wellington and to the right of 14th hole, Waterloo. These do not define the course boundary and are not “Boundary Objects”. Those parts of the old fences which remain, including some barbed wire embedded in the ground, are Immovable Obstructions. If the player’s ball lies in bounds, relief from interference by any part of these old fences which are in bounds, can be taken under Rule 16.

example photos of broken down fencing


The young trees identified by attached stakes or coloured ribbons are No Play Zones.

If a player’s ball lies anywhere on the course, other than in a Penalty Area and it lies on or touches such a tree, or such a tree interferes with the player’s stance or area of intended swing, the player MUST take full relief, under Rule 16.1f.


All buildings and shelters within the bounds of the Course are integral parts of the Course. The Clubhouse is out of bounds (see A1).


Areas marked as GUR, either with a stake or sign, enclosed by a white line, or as otherwise defined within these Local Rules, or within the Definitions section of the Rules of Golf. Relief may be taken under Rule 16


If it is known or virtually certain that a player’s ball hit a power line, or any part of a tower or pole supporting a power line, during the play of the 3rd or 4th hole of the Waterloo course, the stroke does not count. The player MUST play a ball, without penalty, from where the previous stroke was made: Rule 14.6.

Note 1: Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place, in Breach of a Local Rule: General Penalty Under Rule 14.7a.


If a ball comes to rest at the base of the pole within the loose material or such that the pole or the loose material interferes with the swing or stance, the player may take relief, without penalty, subject to Rule 16.1 (Immovable Obstruction).


Parallel drainage lines, running across the approaches to the greens on the 6th, 10th, 11th and 14th holes, Waterloo, may have grooves above them and some deeper holes along the grooves.

There are also new drainage lines on the 8th hole, Waterloo and 2nd hole, Wellington. If a ball comes to rest, in the General Area, in one of these grooves or holes, the player may take relief under Rule 16.1b. But relief is not available if the groove only interferes with the player’s stance.


If a player’s ball on the Putting Green lies in or touches an aeration hole, the player may take relief under Rule 16.1d. But interference does not exist and relief is not available if the aeration hole only interferes with the player’s stance or with their line of play.


When a player’s ball is in the ditch to the right of the 10th hole, Waterloo, the player may take penalty relief, using one of the options under Rule 17.1d.

In addition, as an extra penalty relief option, the player may drop the original ball, or another ball, on the opposite side of the penalty area to that on which the player believes the ball to have last crossed the boundary of the ditch.

Ref. B-2 Relief on Opposite Side of Red Penalty Area

[Note that such “opposite side relief” is not available for any other Penalty Areas on the SOGC courses.]

Reference Point: The estimated point on the opposite edge of the penalty area that is the same distance from the hole as the estimated point where the original ball last crossed the edge of the red penalty area.
Size of Relief Area Measured from Reference Point: Two club-lengths, but no nearer the hole than the Reference Point.


This path is an Immovable Obstruction and free relief is available if the player’s ball comes to rest on the path or any part of the ball touches the path. The player may drop the original ball or another ball, without penalty, no nearer the hole and within one Clublength of the Nearest Point of Relief, (see Rule 16,1b). However, Rule 16.1a is modified in this way:

“Relief is not allowed if the path along the right of the 10th hole Waterloo only interferes with the player’s stance.”

[Essentially, this rule means that relief can only be taken if the player’s ball actually lies on or touches the path. The Nearest Point of Relief (NPR) is then just off whichever side of the path is nearest to where the ball came to rest. See diagram below.]


The deep ditch which runs along the left side of this hole is part of a Red Penalty Area, the right hand boundary of which is marked with red posts. This Penalty Area includes the ditch itself and all ground to the left of the ditch, extending to infinity (and beyond 🚀).

All ground to the left of the ditch is a “No Play Zone”. If a ball comes to rest in this No Play Zone, the player MAY NOT play it as it lies and MUST take one of the Penalty Area relief options in Rule 17.1d.


Rule 5.2b in the Rules of Golf 2019, is modified in this way:

A player may practice on the competition course before a competition round or between rounds in a multi-round competition.



Winter Rules, both “Preferred Lies” (B1) and “Mud Ball” (B2) were withdrawn, from 1st May, 2024, until further notice 




The narrow strip of ground, planted with shrubs and laid with pebbles, between the clubhouse-side edge of the tarmac buggy path and the sleeper wall of the patio is GUR.

The sleeper wall, steps, patio paving area and any structure or furniture within the patio area are all Immovable Obstructions.

All of the elements described above are treated as a single abnormal course condition, which is also a No Play Zone. If a ball comes to rest within any of these elements, or if any such element interferes with the player’s stance or area of swing, then relief MUST be taken by the player. In either case, relief must be taken according to:

Rule 16.1b, (Relief from Interference from Abnormal Course Condition),
Rule 16.1f, (No Play Zone) and
Rule 14.3 (Dropping Ball in Relief Area). 

Note that the Nearest Point of Complete Relief (NPR) may be some distance from where the ball has come to rest in the patio area, because the NPR may NOT be nearer to the hole than where the ball had come to rest.

Failure to take relief under this Local Rule, or playing from a Wrong Place, incurs the General Penalty.

C2.       BUNKER CONSTRUCTION works on WELLINGTON and Waterloo: GUR and TIO

Wellington Course

All new and re-modelled bunkers on holes 1-18, are now in play. GUR relief is no longer available for these bunkers, unless individually marked as GUR.

One specific exception is the fairway bunker on the 2nd hole, Wellington, which remains as GUR, pending reconstruction of its drainage.

Areas of bunker works adjacent to most of the new or re-constructed bunkers and re-turfed sites of former bunkers are now also back in play and are no longer GUR, unless individually marked, with the following exceptions, which remain as GUR:

• Surrounding area to fairway bunker on 2nd hole
• Filled-in old greenside bunkers left of 5th green and short left of 6th green
• Filled-in bunker on left of 7th fairway
• Filled-in old greenside bunker left of 14th green

In the areas listed above, the player may, at their option, either play the ball as it lies or take GUR relief. We expect the GUR status of these areas to be revised in due course.

When GUR relief is taken, the player must proceed according to Rule 16. In summary:
• Determine the nearest point of complete relief, (NPR), which must be in the General Area and which must also be no nearer to the hole than where the ball lies.
• Drop a ball within one club-length from the NPR; the ball must come to rest in the Relief Area – in particular no nearer the hole than the NPR.

Note that GUR relief is available when there is interference to either: the lie of the ball, the player’s stance or area of swing. Check out the detail of the rule here:
Ref: Rule 16.1b (Relief from GUR in General Area).

Waterloo Course

Reconstruction of bunkers on the Waterloo course has begun and will be ongoing during 2024.

With the exception of the finished new bunkers listed below, all newly constructed/reconstructed bunkers, adjacent re-turfed or re-seeded ground and areas where pre-existing bunkers have been filled in and turfed or seeded are GUR.

Finished new bunkers on Waterloo Course

Our Course Manager informs us when new bunkers are suitable to be put back into play and the following list will be revised as the programme proceeds. So far, the following new bunkers and their re-turfed/re-seeded surrounds are back in play and are no longer GUR:

  • New bunkers on 1st hole
  • New/re-modelled greenside bunker on 2nd hole
  • New bunkers on 18th hole (fairway and approach/greenside)
    and, from 16th September:
  • remodelled lefthand greenside bunker on 3rd hole
  • remodelled fairway bunker on 4th hole
  • remodelled lefthand greenside bunker on 4th hole

[NB Please refer to new Local Rule C8, regarding relief from turf seams in newly turfed/re-turfed areas.]

Temporary Immovable Obstructions (TIOs)

While the bunker works are being carried out, on either course, from time to time there may be large items of equipment, stacks of materials and the like, standing either within the construction areas or adjacent to them. Such items are defined as TIOs and Line of Sight relief MAY be taken, following the procedure set out in Rules of Golf Model Local Rule F-23.
[F-23 needs a careful read as it is non-trivial and comes with a booklet which has explanatory illustrations – you might need a couple of aspirin afterwards!]

C3      crow damage – rule clarification and amendment

Pecked-hole damage, by crows and other birds, on our putting greens, can often interfere with fair play, not only due to their number but also because some are quite substantial holes and are not practical for the player to repair.

Such pecked holes are “Animal Holes”, as defined in the Rules of Golf and relief is available under Rule 16.1a(1) and Rule 16.1d.

If the ball is on the Putting Green and either: a) the ball is in or touching a pecked hole, or b) such a hole lies on the Line of Play, free relief may be taken. The player may place a ball on the nearest spot, whether this is on the Putting Green or in the General Area, which is no nearer the hole and which provides complete relief from the interference.

In relation to pecked holes, Rule 16.1a is hereby modified, so that relief is not available if the damage only interferes with the area of the player’s intended stance.

In match play, in the case of disagreement between the sides, one player or side may seek a ruling before the match is finalised.)

Work on “re-bunkering” of the Waterloo course will be ongoing, during 2024. There may also be some work to fix drainage on the fairway bunker on 2nd hole, Wellington. We can expect heavy vehicle tracks to cause unusual damage to ground while these works are carried out on soft ground.

It is not feasible to mark or define all the individual areas where there is vehicle track damage in a Local Rule. Nor, unfortunately, do the Rules of Golf allow players to decide, at their own discretion, whether a lie is entitled to GUR relief. Some tracks may be visible but not deep enough to interfere with playing a shot. However, for more severe cases of track damage on fairways and even in some areas of semi-rough, it is appropriate for the Committee to provide free relief, on a discretionary case-by-case basis.

Accordingly, this Local Rule, C4, provides CONDITIONAL GUR relief, as follows:

Within the General Area, Ground under Repair includes heavy vehicle tracks, if they materially affect the fair playing of the ball. If the ball lies in such a track, the player may take free relief, subject to agreement by The Referee or by  a member of The Committee, before the player returns their score, in Strokeplay or, in the case of disagreement between sides, in Matchplay.

In Strokeplay, the player has these options, when they find their ball in a vehicle track and considers that the lie might be deemed GUR by the Committee:

  1. Play the ball as it lies, or
  2. Take Unplayable Ball Relief, with one-stroke penalty, under Rule 19, or
  3. Invoke the “two ball rule”, Rule 20.1c(3) and report this to the Committee for a ruling, which they must do before returning their score. However, Rule 20.1c(3) has very specific procedures, which must be followed, for the rule to be effective, so the Committee suggests that this option only be used with great care, or
  4. Consider that the Committee is highly likely to agree that GUR relief from the lie is appropriate. In this case, the player may choose to proceed on the assumption that the damage will be ruled GUR. The player must then report the circumstances, for a confirmation ruling, before returning their score. The Referee or the member of The Committee will confirm whether or not the condition was GUR. If not considered GUR, the General Penalty would apply (Playing From Wrong Place, Rule 14.7), or
  5. [RECOMMENDED] The player may choose to take a drop so that the ball comes to rest in a position which is both within the relief area for GUR (Rule 16.1) and in the relief area for an unplayable lie (Rule 19.2). Care is needed: while the two permitted relief areas may overlap, they are not congruent!
    Then, when the incident is reported, before the player submits their score, the Referee or Committee member can rule whether the free drop from GUR applied or whether the unplayable drop rule must apply (1 stroke penalty). This can avoid the risk of the greater (Wrong Place) penalty, even if the lie is ruled not GUR.

In Matchplay, the player can apply one of the above options, except option 3, the “two ball rule”, which is not available in Matchplay. The player only needs to seek a ruling when the sides cannot agree on the use of either option 4 or option 5, above. See Rule 20.1b

If the player is able to take a photo of the lie, this will assist the Committee in making a fair ruling.

The attached PDF gives examples as to how the Committee is likely to judge whether GUR relief was permitted.

examples of vehicle tracks

C5   cracks in ground DUE TO DRY CONDITIONS

Due to the recent dry conditions, some cracks have opened up on some fairways, for example on 10th Waterloo. Relief is now available under this Local Rule, as follows:

Cracks in the ground in those parts of the General Area cut to fairway height or less, are Ground Under Repair. The player may take relief under Rule 16.1b.  Relief is not allowed if the crack only interferes with the player’s stance.

Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty under Rule 14.7a.


Due to their poor, unmaintained condition, all of the pre-existing bunkers on the Waterloo course, pending their removal or re-construction, are deemed GUR.

The Player may play the ball as it lies, or take free relief, under Rule 16.1b

Reference Point: the nearest point of full relief from interference which is not nearer the hole.
Size of Relief Area Measured from Reference Point: One club-length, but with these limits:

  • Must be in the general area
  • Must not be nearer the hole than the reference point, and
  • There must be complete relief from all interference.

If the player opts to play the ball as it lies, the normal restrictions for bunkers would not apply, as these GUR bunkers have lost their status as Bunkers and have become parts of the General Area.

C8   Relief from Seams of Cut Turf

As part of the ongoing new bunker construction programme, some areas adjacent to new bunkers and some areas, where old bunkers have been filled in, have been re-turfed. Many of these areas are now back in play and are no longer GUR (see Local Rule C2).

In some cases, for example around the new bunkers on Waterloo and adjacent to Wellington 18th green, there can be some open and uneven seams, between sections of turf. Relief is available as follows:

If a player’s ball lies in or touches a seam of cut turf, or a seam interferes with the player’s area of intended swing, (i.e. the clubhead would likely catch on a raised turf seam edge), the player may take relief under Rule 16.1b.
However, interference does not exist and relief is not available, under this rule, C8, if the seam only interferes with the player’s stance.

All seams within the area of cut turf are treated as the same seam in taking relief. This means that if a player has interference from a seam, after dropping the ball, the player must proceed as required under Rule 14.3c(2), even when the ball is still within one club-length of the reference point. As this would not be a new condition, the second drop must be taken within the same relief area.

Note that, when there is interference from a seam, within a new turf area that is GUR (Local Rule C2), then the player can choose to take relief either under either  C2 or C8.

Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty Under Rule 14.7a.