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Sherfield Oaks GC Members Website

The IG App

We strongly recommended that every SOGC member should install the Intelligent Golf App (IG App) on their mobile phone or other mobile device. Although you can do most things in the members section via a PC browser, while connected to the Sherfield Oaks website, the IG App makes things much easier.

In particular, entering your competition scores is much more intuitive on the IG App!

It is easy to install the IG App. Just follow the process given here:

There is an annual £1.99 subscription for the IG App, which you will need, in order to use most of its functions, including competition score entry and receiving news items from the SOGC Committee.

If any members have difficulty in installing the IG App or do not have access to a “smart” mobile device, there will be some support available from the competitions admin team to enter a member’s score, on an exceptional basis.