Data Privacy Consent for Upload of Personal Data
Once you have a CDH number, you can register your account with England Golf.
Before you can do this, however, you must consent to your personal details being uploaded to the WHS Platform.
These details, along with your name and CDH Number, enable the WHS Platform to identify each player. If you try to register before you have uploaded these details, the WHS system will instruct you to “ask your club to upload the details”. SOGC will not do this, due to its GDPR policy – only the player can do it.
Here is how to upload your details:.
First, access your record on the Intelligent Golf system, via your browser. You will see a screen like the one below. On the drop-down MENU, select “MY GOLF” and “PREFERENCES”:
On the next screen, click on “WHS DATA PRIVACY”
You can then press “Upload Personal Information”, which will bring up the following screen. Assuming that you already have an email address and date of birth on your Intelligent Golf record, these fields will be pre-populated:
Tick the box “I understand this data ….etc.” press “SEND THIS DATA….”. Your personal data is then uploaded to the England Golf WHS system and you will see a confirmation message.
After this, you will able to access your your handicap record on Intelligent Golf and you will be able to use your handicap in club competitions. You may need to wait until the next day, as the WHS updates Intelligent Golf overnight.
After this, we would recommend that you install the “MyEG” App on your smart phone or other mobile device. There are other pages on the website covering how to do that.