Data Privacy Consent for Sharing Personal Data With England Golf
Once you have a CDH number, you can register your account with England Golf.
Before you can do this, however, you must have consented to your name, email address and date of birth being shared with England Golf. These details are needed by England Golf, in order to uniquely identify each player, for the purposes of administering their handicap records. Without these details, England Golf will not issue a CDH number or WHS handicap.
Members who joined the club after 7 January 2024 will already have given this consent during the joining process. Members who joined before that date, who later wish to apply for their first WHS handicap, may need to provide this specific consent, by contacting the Get Golfing management team.
The SOGC members’ Handicap Committee will assume that such consent has been given, when setting up the member’s record on the England Golf system, in order to allocate their CDH membership number.
You may wish to review England Golf’s own data privacy policy, which is available on their website.
After this, we would recommend that you install the “MyEG” App on your smart phone or other mobile device. There are other pages on the website covering how to do that.
Updated by John Taylor, 12th January, 2025