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Sherfield Oaks GC Members Website

What are General Play Scores?

General Play Scores are strokeplay scores made by individual players, played to the full Rules of Golf but which are not played as part of an organised competition.

You can submit a General Play score for any round that meets these conditions:
a) played in a singles strokeplay format (Medal or Stableford)
b) played to the full Rules of Golf
c) not played in an organised club competition
d) not played while also playing a match or in any team competition
d) where you declare your intention to play before the round begins

General Play scores are included in the player’s WHS handicap record and used for calculation of their Handicap Index, in just the same way as scores played in a singles Strokeplay competition.

Scores submitted, when applying for a new WHS handicap, are also General Play scores and will appear in your WHS handicap record in the same way.

When you play in a competition, such as a Mid-Week Stableford or Saturday League, that score must not also be submitted as a General Play score, as that would create duplicate scores in your handicap record.

There are different procedures, depending on whether a General Play Score is to be made at:

a) SOGC or another club in the jurisdiction of England Golf.

b) an away club located in GB&I, or

d) any “overseas” club.