The Word Handicapping System, (WHS), replaced its predecessor, the Unified Handicapping System, (UHS), on 2 November 2020.
To access the England Golf WHS system, you will need to register, using your CDH number/Membership ID (once this has been issued by the SOGC Handicap Committee), at:
The England Golf App should be installed on your phone or mobile device. Learn more and install here:
The App will allow you to:
a) Check your Handicap Index and the scoring record from which it is calculated
b) Calculate your Course Handicap at any other course
c) Invite golf colleagues at your home club or any other club to be a “friend” on the system. If they accept, then you will be able to view each other’s handicap records, if they have installed the myEG app and have a Handicap Index.
d) Register and submit General Play scores from rounds played at home or away courses.