Rules Evening, 24th May 2022
Thanks to all those who came to the session and for the photos, “incident reports” and questions that you sent in to help me make the session “topical”. I hope it was useful, but please send me any questions that you may still have on the Rules and I will be happy to answer them.
A PDF version of the slides can be viewed or downloaded from here. I have uploaded the videos to my youtube channel and these can be viewed by clicking on the images which have thick light green borders. If you do a right click, rather than left click, the menu will then offer an option for you to open a new tab to play the video in your browser, making it easier to switch back to the slide show tab.
Perhaps worth mentioning that not all of these video clips are intended to show how things should be done, They include many examples of infringements and were included to invite discussion..
Although I can imagine that some of you are trying to erase the memory of some of those videos from your minds, after seeing them on 24th May 🙂